
Messy play toddler group

Puddlers is a toddler group with a difference….we like getting wet and dirty, with messy play and animals from the minute you get here!

You can play with gloop one minute, create muddy homes for our toy animals the next, then move on to natural paint brushes? Or would you prefer painting with water pistols and sowing sunflower seeds?

The first job though is to chop the vegetables for the animals’ treats (kindly supplied weekly by Steve Peak), feed the animals, clear Boris and Rory’s field then back to the barn for messy fun (after washing hands!). And there is always tea, coffee, juice and Charlotte’s cakes available in the barn for everyone to enjoy.

The suggested donation is just £2.50 per child and Puddlers is only on during term time.

Tuesday morning (term time) 09:15-11:15


Family Farm Club